Trekking into the Jungles of East Antioquia

Trekking into the Jungles of East Antioquia

Discovering Less Explored Jungles

Colombia's biodiversity can equal to 20% of the planet's total

Dare yourself to explore the incredible jungles of the east of Antioquia, which just two hours away from its capital, Medellin offers you an unforgettable experience in one of the best kept and better preserved natural reserves from this country. Its steep mountains, few roads and bushy jungle has left this area like trapped in time, and today after many decades of banning due to the conflict we finally have the possibility to enjoy it.

This jungle area of Antioquia is one of those last mega-biodiversity refuges barely studied by the science in this country, as Von Humboldt Institute has catalogued it recently, they only started investigating it this 2017. Its steep mountains that can vary between 1000 to 3100 meters above the see level passing through many thermal floors and types of forests even until Paramo with its unique type of vegetation, carved by clean and green colour rivers and waterfalls, that invites us to enter into its wide richness and pristine waters, that even for a very long part of their courses does not surfers from erosion, due to the few and scattered existence of farmers in the surrounding area.

This area allows us to explore at least three main trails that we can configure in several ways depending of what you will like to do. We can explore these ones between 2 to 5 days doing trekking or by horseback riding, sleeping at the local´s houses along the trail. Each hike can take us between 9 to 17 Kms per day with an unevenness range of 300mts until 1300mts of ascending. This adventure is for active and adventurous people, which will have experience in multiday trekking trips. We will cross very muddy trails. The weather is wet (above 80%), hot (At the day around 30 C° and at night around 20 C°. Is required to have international insurance as well as yellow fever vaccination certificate.

San Francisco

Santo Domingo River

Melcocho River


La Vieja Mountain

Murringo Road

Green Rivers

Sonsón Paramo

Wild Life

Antioqueña Jungle

San Francisco

Melcocho River

La Vieja Mountain

Green River

Sonsón Paramo

Antioqueña Jungle

Santo Domingo River


Murringo Road

Wild Life

We will Take you to:

  •  Explore the dense and preserved jungles of eastern Antioquia in the area between San Francisco, Sonsón, Argelia and Carmen de Viboral. These zones were once off limits to civilians in the past because they were in the middle of the conflict with guerrillas like the FARC.
  • Enjoy the crystalline and green waters of rivers such as the Melcocho, the Santo Domingo, the Verde, among others.
  • Learn about the Antioquian traditions of muleteers of the peasants when traveling between mountains.
  • Learn about the stories of the Colombian conflict through the jungles of Antioquia from the hand of local expert guides.



3 days


All year


Basic in farms or camping
Dificultad y actividad
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