The Lost City Trek

The Lost City Trek

Teyuna: Expedition to The Sacred Land of Tayrona Culture

Join us in one of the most famous trekking expeditions that can be done in Colombia!

This is a 4 days trekking tour that takes us to a ¡unique place!, preserved, hidden, protected and magical.

The lost City Trek. Teyuna, as is originally named by the indigenous people of the area. This is an archeological site, from an ancient settlement of the Tayrona people, the ones from whom the indigenous people from these area todays descends from.

Visitaremos este sitio arqueológico, después de pedir permiso a más naturaleza y las comunidades indígenas que viven aquí y protegen esta área.

Wiwa, Kogui, Arhuaco and Kamkuamo, are the main tribes that lives today at the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. This is the spectacular mountain massif that welcomes us to visit Teyuna deep inside its jungles. This Sierra is the highest mountain on earth a side of the sea, that goes from 0 meters to more that 5500meteres above ¡the sea level! (15000ft approx). Covered with a massive amount of species and forests of all kinds is a sanctuary for the nature, biodiversity and these indigenous communities are today the keepers of this delicate treasure, the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.

We will visit this archeological site, after asking permission to more nature and the indigenous communities that lives here and protects this area.

Is a 4 days trekking trip, guided and operated by the locals, staying in camps with tents and hammocks, through which we will enjoy the biodiversity, fauna and flora of the jungle, as well as the pristine rivers that comes down from the high snowed peaks above Teyuna in the Sierra.

Santa Marta Snowed Sierra


Indigenous People


Rivers and Waterfalls

Jungles Paths

Coble Stone Paths

Ancient Vestiges

Local Tour Guides

Lost City

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta


Cerro La Vieja

Senderos en la Selva

Guías Locales


Pueblo Indígenas

Ríos y Cascadas

Caminos en Piedra

Vestigios Milenarios

Ciudad Perdida

We will Take you to:

  •  Enjoy the most famous trekking expedition in Colombia with the permission and accompaniment of the local indigenous and peasant communities.
  • Learn about Teyuna or as we call it, The Lost City. You will learn about its history, importance and the traditions of the indigenous communities that inhabit it to preserve Mother Nature.
  • Explore the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This place is located deep in the jungle on the mountain. It is the highest mountain complex in the world being at the foot of the sea, going from 0 to more than 5500 m high.
  • Share with other travelers along the 4-day journey. In addition, we will enjoy calm and refreshing rivers.



4 days


All year


Shared community accommodations, mainly in hammocks, with some rooms with beds.
Dificultad y actividad
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