The Highlands of the North

The Highlands of the North

Tour of the Magical and Mild Dairy Lands of Northern Antioquia

Colombia's biodiversity can equal to 20% of the planet's total

This is a 7 days’ tour that uses as base Medellín to go and visit some of the most important places of Antioquia region in which you will enjoy easy-medium bicycle rides mixed with cultural experiences along the way that will give you a closer approach to the ¨Paisa¨ culture (people of Antioquia). Do not miss this great chance!

The idea is that during this Roadtrip you will have a professional tour guide, plus a driver with your van and the Bikes all the time, so you can have a personalized high class service, going from the big city to small pretty colonial style towns deep inside the mountains full of amazing views surrounded by forest, plantations and hundreds of different greens in a very biodiverse nature, so you can have a time for easy rides and cultural tours that will end up in a medium non luxury type of hotel comfortable enough to enjoy a nice experience either in the city or the countryside.

The tour will go through:: Medellín, San Pedro, Entrerrios, Santa Rosa de Osos, Carolina del Príncipe, Gómez Plata






Comuna 13

Medellín Bike Tour

Northern Dairy Lands


San Pedro
Carolina del Príncipe

Antioquia Forest




Green Rivers

Medellin Bike Tour

San Pedro 

Salto de Guadalupe



Comuna 13

Northern Dairy Lands

Carolina del Príncipe

We will Take you to:

  • Explorar diferentes carreteras de Antioquia en bicicleta mientras aprendes sobre historia, cultura, tradiciones, naturaleza y compartes con los locales a lo largo del camino. 
  • Tener otra perspectiva de Medellín desde la bicicleta, con la que podrás recorrer más lugares de la ciudad. 
  • Recorrer las zonas altas del norte de Antioquia, dedicadas a la ganadería de leche, entre, don Matías, Entrerríos y San Pedro con sus idílicos pastizales parecidos a la campiña Suiza.
  • Sorprenderte al ver de cerca la cascada más alta de Antioquia. 
  • Maravillarte al ver los impresionantes paisajes que forman las montañas mientras estás en un teleférico.
  • Disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo en Carolina del Príncipe, un acogedor pueblo que conserva su aspecto colonial.
  • Admirar los hermosos paisajes que nos permite ver la carretera mientras salimos en un cómodo transporte desde Medellín hasta Carolina del Príncipe y el Salto de Guadalupe.


7 days


All year


Medium and basic category town hotels and superior category city hotels.
Dificultad y actividad
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