Discover a Different World in Guaviare

Discover a Different World in Guaviare

Colombia is known as the country of a thousand musical rhythms know about 1025 kinds of different music, being around of 30 the main and best known.

Today, we will go to enjoy a 4 to 5-day expedition in this unique and incredible landscape formed between the regional borders of the Orinoquia Flat lands, and the Colombian Amazon Jungle. This is the state of Guaviare, located precisely at the heart of the mostly unexplored and almost forgotten part of Colombia due to the presence of illegal armed groups in the last decades. Nowadays, it is much safer, permitting this amazing land to opens its doors for us to explore in a sustainable way.

From its colourful rivers with amazing rocky formations like in Caño Cristales, passing by its endemism in flora at the Serrania and its vestiges of very ancient rock pictograms, we will end up having the possibility of going to a natural communitarian local reserve inside the jungle. Due to the long term protection and respect for the animals and the environment promoted here, animals are extremely easy to observe as we arrive in to a lake from the Guaviare river.

We will have the chance to swim here and see from very short distance (without interfering with their habitat) the Amazon pink dolphins who live in the lake inside the jungle and its natural environment.

San José

Guayanes Shield

Rocky Mazes



Rock Pictograms

Macarena Clavígera

natural wells

pink dolphins

Serrania de La Lindosa

San José

Guyanes Shield

Rocky Mazes



Rock Pictograms

Macarena Clavígera

natural wells

pink dolphins

Serrania de la Lindosa

We will Take you to:

  • Get to know Guaviare, a beautiful department that is part of the Amazon jungle of Colombia, which is the border between the Orinoquía and the Amazon, having landscapes on both sides, making it even more biodiverse.
  • Surprise yourself with the Serranía de la Lindosa and tour its giant rock formations belonging to the Guyanes Shield. This is 1.5 million years old and from it stand out plateaus called Tepuyes from 300 to 500 m high covered with forest.
  • Admire the murals painted with pictograms, which according to scientists, were made throughout history, even 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. It is said that these murals serve as altars where the indigenous people commemorated the jungle as a sacred place.
  • Observe the fauna while we navigate the river through the jungle.
  • Learn about the fauna of the area. You will learn about birds, monkeys, and the incredible pink dolphins that live in the rivers of the Amazon jungle.
  • Get to know the unique flora of the Serranía, such as the Guaviare flower.


4 days


All year


Mid-range city hotels
Dificultad y actividad
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