
Overflight to NNP Chiribiquete

The Last Frontier of the untouched Jungle

The rainiest place in the world located in Chocó, where a year it can rain 10 times more than in a average place in the rest of the world.

Travel with us to see from the sky the Chiribiquete National Park. This is one of the last and biggest undiscovered areas by the western world deep inside the Amazon jungle, more than 4´100.000 square hectares of jungle and spectacular rocky formations, these ones are part of the Guyanan Shield which is the oldest formation in the world having around 1.5 billion years old, that with time and the erosion they have been creating incredible and intricate formations that can be as height as 1000 above the jungle.

This National park has no entry by land or by river, is in the middle of the dense jungle at least two weeks by boat from the next town. Because is area is so remote, the government of Colombia has prohibited the entrance to the people, locals or tourist because this is easy one of the last frontiers that the west world and the modernity hasn’t touched and conquered yet.

They have found using satellite technology that inside the jungle in this area there is indigenous population still living in isolation, that they hasn’t been ever contact by the rest of the world, so to insure that their existence would continue been like it is and respect them as well as this impressive and enormous jungle and trying to keep it safe from poachers agriculture this is the reason why the government has regulated and restricted the park to the maximum so today there is only 11 operators allow to overflight, this is the only way to see actually the park, and it can only be done maximum by 3 hours flight only one circling around the park in a restricted route. Today we have the representation for one of the licenced operators to do the flight, and following you will find details of this unique and incredible experience.

PNN Chiribiquete

The heart of the Amazon

Jaguar House

Non Contacted Tribes

Rock Tepuyes

Indigenous Pictograms

Unique Species

Sacred place

Guyanan Shield

PNN Chiribiquete

Jaguar House

Rock Tepuyes

Unique Species

Guyanes Shiled

Heart of the Amazon

Non Contacted Tribes

Indigenous Pictograms

Sacred Place

We will Take you to:

  •  Fly over for a few hours the last and most sacred unexplored secret of the Amazon jungle, the Chiribiquete.
  • Observe the impressive tepuyes that stand out in the jungle even up to 1000 m high above the tree canopy, which house monumental pictograms painted on the rock up to 600 m above tree level on their walls.



1 día


Fixed dates set by the government. (to be established).


Dificultad y actividad
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