Adventure in the karstic forest of El Peñon

Adventure in the Karstic Forest of el Peñon

Colombia is known as the country of a thousand musical rhythms know about 1025 types of different music, being around of 30 the main and best known.

This is an adventure that will take you during 4 days to enjoy and discover one of the last frontiers of the biodiversity in Colombia.

Peñon Santander, is a very small town of the south of Santander department. A place where its urban area only has around 500 people, whom only today are able to leave in peace after decades of suffering the different types of violence that this beautiful country has suffered through its history and showing us to enjoy and explore the amazing nature of this region, that they are trying to save from the mining corporations. Here only 5 hours away from Bogota the capital, over the same East Andes mountain range and around 2100 meters above the see level, the intricacy of the Karstic rock labyrinth formations upholstered with little fossils from hundreds of million years old, and decorated with the high mountain Andean fog-forest gift us and incredible landscape, here humidity and plenty sources of water abound but we cannot see easily a river formation! We have to go and look for then underground, due to the geology of the area, which is similar to a giant cheese with dozens of caves where the science is still finding new species of flora and. We want to take you to submerge in the incredible labyrinth of forest and caves.

El Peñón

Paisaje Cárstico

Laberintos rocosos



Ríos subterráneos

Rocas con fósiles

Cañón de Panamá

Bosque de Roble

Fauna subterránea

El Peñón

Laberintos rocosos


Rocas con fósiles

Bosque de Roble

Fauna subterránea

Paisaje Cárstico


Ríos Subterráneos



Cañón de Panamá



We will Take you to:

  • Canyoning through the rivers and caves of San Gil
  •  Ride mountain bike trails through the majestic Chicamocha canyon.
  •  Face walking through rocky and steep mountain trails to cross the Chicamocha canyon.
  •  Marvel at the incredible view from the top of the canyon and cross it with the cable car.
  • Relax in the picturesque preserved colonial towns that surround the Chicamocha canyon while you learn,   enjoy and learn more about the culture of the place.


6 days


All Year


Comfortable Rural and town hotel of medium category
Dificultad y actividad
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