Colombia is also known as the "country of 1000 rhythms", you can find 1025 cataloged musical rhythms, and at least 30 are famous such as: Vallenato, Cumbia, Bambuco, Porro, etc


Through alternative routes that will give you the opportunity to have a deeper vision of this beautiful and enormous country TOGETHER COLOMBIA!

We want to invite you to enjoy a magical country!

Its geographical privilege allows you to discover a wide variety of ecosystems that we assure you will not be able to find anywhere in the world. Places where you can be at the mouth of a volcano in the Andes at 5000 meters above sea level, surrounded by glaciers and that same day you could be

in the middle of a primary jungle that is lost on the horizon, or explore deserts, virgin beaches and indigenous settlements.

Undoubtedly a destination for you to enjoy exploring thousands of stories, landscapes, cultural or gastronomic traditions as well as musicals and also hundreds of friends to meet, who will remain tattooed in your memory.

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Travelers like you






¡And We love Travel!

Colombia is the second country in the world in terms of biodiversity